D700 14-24mm @ 14 ISO200 f/16 -0.3EV 1/4 tripodThese ferns are quite common in Singapore. I thought that this one deserved a picture anyway!
The undergrowth in a rain forest is restricted by the lack of sunlight at ground level. This makes it possible to walk through the forest. If the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned, the ground beneath is soon colonized by a dense, tangled growth of vines, shrubs, and small trees.
Photography in this environment presents a few challenges:
- low light,
- requirement for high depth of field,
- difficulty of access (muddy forest floor, insects…)
- high humidity
For the low light and high depth of field, usage of wide angle lens and tripod is recommended. A burst of flash might be useful to bring up some colors, maybe with some compensation to decrease the output if subject to brighten is close to the camera. Just choose old shoes and be prepared to be muddy from head to toe. Use insect repellent and avoid stepping on ants’ path… To keep the camera dry, a towel is useful, perfect as well to wipe out the sweat… These are just some ideas, as I am still learning the trade!