D700 70-300mm @ 165 ISO200 f/5.6 +0.7EV 1/60The camera bag followed me for this trip to Saas-Fee in the Swiss Alps. A first morning walk was extremely rewarding with the encounter of a herd of chamois. They were curious and let me approach them till approx. 15 meters. The kid was shy, seeking protection behind its mother.
To ensure the correct exposure of the snow, slight positive compensation was required. Saas-Fee being located at 1800m altitude, temperature was around minus 6 deg C. Problem was condensation on the glass of the view finder. Best is to use an eye cup to avoid the photographer's breath to cloud the finder. Furthermore, battery was used 3 time faster than when used at higher temperature. I had kept a second one in a warm pocket close to the body but did not need to change it as I still had three bars after 100+ shots!