Friday, October 15, 2010

Sunset at Lower Pierce Reservoir - Singapore

Again, no post process on this image besides resizing for web and copyright text... The trick is in the white balance setting on the camera (and the great sunset conditions!). For a blue tone, set on "incandescent" or a low kelvin figure. For an orange tone, set on "shade" or a high kelvin level. A slight underexposure helps as well, especially when the sun is still visible. In terms of composition, I kept the water plants in the foreground to add depth to the photograph.

The Lower Pierce Reservoir is a scenic location with a perfect orientation for sunsets. All the pictures of this series were taken on the same day, within about an hour, with a lot time in between to just gaze at the changing light...

1 comment:

sing@four said...

Une vraie carte postale, félicitations !!!